Our focus of the month
A quick zoom on Spotyride’s favorite nautical news! What are the latest innovations and nautical activities or the new trendy spots in France and around the world.
The little extra? Interviews with professionals from the nautical industry.

Manta5, cycling on water is possible!
Nautical activitiesInnovationGear
Manta5, pedaling on water and on a bike is now possible!
The "Cycling" revolution is on!
Manta5 arrives in Europe and unveils a water sport that rides on the growing trend of foils
The New Zealand company Manta5 offers a whole new cycling and boating experience, by offering the world's first foiled bike! This first model of the brand reproduces the experience of cycling on water, thus creating a new water sport for thrill seekers. Technology and innovation have been at the heart of the company's approach to creating a new experience that combines sport, entertainment and thrills.
Our News, on the grill!
find the latest news from the Spotyteam, .
Manta5, cycling on water is possible!
Nautical activitiesInnovationGear
Manta5, pedaling on water and on a bike is now possible!
The "Cycling" revolution is on!
Manta5 arrives in Europe and unveils a water sport that rides on the growing trend of foils
The New Zealand company Manta5 offers a whole new cycling and boating experience, by offering the world's first foiled bike! This first model of the brand reproduces the experience of cycling on water, thus creating a new water sport for thrill seekers. Technology and innovation have been at the heart of the company's approach to creating a new experience that combines sport, entertainment and thrills.

Hobby of the month
Every month, find something unusual to do! Spotyride brings you new sports and activities to do with your friends, family or alone.
Enjoy a moment of pleasure and thrills for the most daring! All you have to do is ride!

Fly on the water with the Manta 5 hydrofoil bike
InnovationGearWater sportsFoil
Two people have joined forces, and this gives: The Hydro Experience. This company is a first in France, since it allows you to test the hydrofoil bike, also called the aquatic bike. You understood it well: you can finally ride a bike on water!
Our tops
Articles which bring together the best rankings according to various subjects, such as water sports and leisure activities, destinations…
You don’t know the best surf spots? Find them here!
Innovation in watersports
For those who like to discover the latest innovations in the nautical world. The Spotyteam devotes a section to it especially for your attention. What are they ? The electric foil and the sea scooter!
Advices from the Spotyteam
What are the best equipment for water sports? What are the best conditions for practicing these sports? How to prepare for your trips?
In order to create your best memories, the Spotyteam leaves you with all its advice in these different articles.
Surfing for dummies
“Meet at the peak”, “I messed up my roller”, “I love the outline of your board”, “Maybe we should try to pass the bar by doing ducks, or…
Want to learn how to Wingfoil? Discover everything there is to know about this technical and fun sport. We will give you some tips, as well…
Watersports activities to do in September
Summer is coming to an end, but you can still enjoy!
Our Top articles
Surf on Spotyride, to spot trendy spots around the world. All you have to do is ride.
The evolution of water games: WIBIT aquaparks
An exclusive interview with Jacques Casanova, co-founder of CDLD, a company specializing in equipment for leisure bases and distributor of…
Wakeboarding in the heart of the french capital | Paris
Paris, the city of lights and love, is famous for its rich history, iconic architecture and vibrant cultural scene. But did you know that…
Indoor artificial waves in France
Water sportsFranceNautical activitiesWave pool
Artificial waves are places where you can surf without having to go to the sea, to the ocean, to find the best waves to finally surf.
Interview South Wake Park | ADHAN AKHLIJ
Who better to talk about a spot than its riders? Today, Spotyride invites you to meet Adhan Akhlij, 19 years old, wakeskater sponsored by…
Wakeboard spots around Montpellier
DestinationsWater sportsWakeboard
Montpellier and its surroundings: Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone, Frontignan, Marseillan plage, Valras... are famous for their spots with ideal…