Here are 10 good reasons to start kitesurfing!
We know there are many more. So if you have others, don’t hesitate to share your ideas with us on the hashtag #spotyourride 🤙🏼

1. Fingers in the nose

Contrary to what one might think, kite surfing is quite easy to master, much easier than sailing!!

You just need to follow a few key steps:

  • la première phase sur terre pour maîtriser le matériel (étape TRÈS IMPORTANTE) !
  • l’initiation au pilotage de l’aile (sur terre ou sur l’eau)
  • la familiarisation avec la « fenêtre vol » qui est l’espace dans lequel l’aile peut voler, notion essentielle au kite
  • initiation au redécollage de l’aile lorsqu’elle tombe dans l’eau, la nage tractée consistant à se faire tirer par l’aile, à plat ventre, Waterstart (départ assis dans l’eau), sauts
  • C’est parti vous êtes ready ! 1,2, 3 KITEZ
  • 2. To unwind after a hard day at work…

    Nothing like water sports to unwind! Kiting gives you unique sensations to relieve the stress and pressure accumulated during the day. This will allow you to clear your head and get off to a good start!

    3. Be part of a community that shares your passion for kitesurfing

    There are 50,000 kitesurfers in France alone and more than 200,000 worldwide. With the emergence of new technologies and collaborative models, you can easily find a community that suits you! In addition, kitesurfing is an open sport that welcomes all new people who want to get involved 🌊

    4. New features and more new features …

    Since its beginnings, kitesurfing has only progressed! With the help of many innovations and innovators, the sport is accessible to all. Today, the traction wing is very easy to handle and much lighter.

    The IOT has also done wonders, sensors allow you to monitor your performance in real time. Tools such as Bb Talkin’ allow you to communicate directly with the instructor during coaching. Everything to make the most of it and improve in the blink of an eye. So, you too can take advantage of the latest technologies!

    5. Be tanned all year round

    Get your legs looking great all year long!! Discover all the wonderful spots all over the world with Spotyride. Travel, discover, feel, live, share, love! A beautiful saying to define kitesurfing, right?

    6. Travel to dream spots

    No need to add anything, the images speak for themselves:

    7. A sport with values

    Just like the community, mutual aid and conviviality are essential for kite surfing. Sharing the values ​​of the sport, rich and essential values ​​in our daily lives.

    8. Practical and inexpensive

    And yes, kitesurfing is not as expensive as you might think! In addition, the equipment is not bulky, so you can go riding without worries!

    9. Kitesurfing: have fun and learn all year round

    Kitesurfing is one of the few activities that can be practiced all year round. Surf schools are multiplying all over the world. No more excuses, go to👉🏻 Spotyride to find all the kite schools.

    10. No exclusions

    Kitesurfing is accessible to all ages, from 7 to 77 years old! So let’s stop the misconceptions where it is reserved for an elite because of its danger. And it’s not Louis Gomez who will tell you otherwise, aged 78, he started kitesurfing and can’t do without it anymore! Louis’ video report


    If you prefer other water activities, here is an article that will make you happy: 10 good reasons to take up water sports.